Tłumaczenia (angielski)

You can write endlessly about crimes committed against Poles during World War II,

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You can write endlessly about crimes committed against Poles during World War II, proving to the world that Poles were victims of this conflict. One of the most unknown methods that the Germans committed against Poles was the burning of Poles alive in barns, etc. since September 1939. On April 13, we remembered the 75th anniversary of such a crime that took place in the last days of the Third Reich.

Smoking alive against Poles has become a method used by the Germans since the first moments of the war. On September 6, 1939, a crime was committed by the German Wehrmacht on soldiers of the 76th Infantry Regiment. Initially, the Germans separated soldiers from officers. The officers were shot, then Polish rank-and-file soldiers who were locked up in a railroad building in Moryca (4 km from Piotrków Trybunalski) and in one of the huts in the village of Longinówka, fell victim to the revenge of the German aggressor for losses during the fighting, and died in arson buildings1

A similar situation took place two years later in Podlasie. The crime in Jedwabne attributed to the Polish nation was not only inspired by the Germans but carried out by them (more below


https://sklep.magnapolonia.org/produkt/powrot-do-jedwabnego-wojciech-sumlinskitomasz-budzynski-ewa-kurek/ )

Methods of liquidation adopted by the Germans against Polish soldiers in 1939 were not alien to the aggressor even at the time of a certain defeat that was known in April 1945. At that time, on the Isenschnibbe estate near the German city of Gardelegen, German guards from the German concentration camp Mittelbau-Dora closed 1016 prisoners in a stone barn, which they set fire to. As a result of this barbaric practice, most prisoners burned alive. This place was discovered by American troops, which took the area two days later. Most of the victims were Poles. A total of 11 people survived this German crime, including 7 Poles, 3 Russians and 1 Frenchman. On April 25, 1945, the American commander of the city made a statement to the residents of Gardelegen during the funeral ceremonies of the victims

You have been told that German war crimes are an invention of Allied propaganda. Now you can see for yourself. Some will say that this is the work of the Nazis, others will point to the Gestapo. Not true. The responsibility lies with all Germans … Your so-called gentlemen’s race showed that you reign maybe only in crimes, atrocities and sadism. You have deprived yourself of the respect of the civilized world2.

75 years have passed since this terrible crime. Public opinion in the world learns a false picture of events that Poles were to commit against Jews in Jedwabne. Few people in the world are aware that on September 1, 1939 Poland became a victim of aggression against which it defended itself, bleeding not only during the years of war, but long after, when soldiers of independent and sovereign Poland loyal to Poland were killed in the NKVD and imposed services casemates with the consent of the Western puppet governments of Moscow. That is why it is so important to present such events as the passing anniversary of the Gardelegen crime.

You can write endlessly about crimes committed against Poles during World War II, proving to the world that Poles were victims of this conflict. One of the most unknown methods that the Germans committed against Poles was the burning of Poles alive in barns, etc. since September 1939. On 13th April we remembered the 75th anniversary of such a crime that took place in the last days of the Third Reich.

Burning Poles alive has become a method used by the Germans since the first moments of the war. On 6th September 1939 a crime was committed by the German Wehrmacht on soldiers of the 76th Infantry Regiment. Initially, the Germans separated soldiers from officers. The officers were shot, then Polish rank-and-file soldiers who were locked up in a railroad building in Moryca (4 km from Piotrków Trybunalski) and in one of the huts in the village of Longinówka, fell victim to the revenge of the German aggressor for losses during the fighting, and died in buildings set on fire.3

A similar situation took place two years later in Podlasie. The crime in Jedwabne attributed to the Polish nation was not only inspired by the Germans but carried out by them (more below


https://sklep.magnapolonia.org/produkt/powrot-do-jedwabnego-wojciech-sumlinskitomasz-budzynski-ewa-kurek/ )

Methods of liquidation adopted by the Germans against Polish soldiers in 1939 were not alien to the aggressor even at the time of a certain defeat that was known in April 1945. At that time, on the Isenschnibbe estate near the German city of Gardelegen, German guards from the German concentration camp Mittelbau-Dora closed 1016 prisoners in a stone barn, which they set fire to. As a result of this barbaric practice most prisoners burned alive. This place was discovered by American troops, which took the area two days later. Most of the victims were Poles. A total of 11 people survived this German crime, including 7 Poles, 3 Russians and 1 Frenchman. On25th April 1945, the American commander of the city made a statement to the residents of Gardelegen during the funeral ceremonies of the victims

You have been told that German war crimes are an invention of Allied propaganda. Now you can see for yourself. Some will say that this is the work of the Nazis, others will point to the Gestapo. Not true. The responsibility lies with all Germans … Your so-called gentlemen’s race showed that you reign maybe only in crimes, atrocities and sadism. You have deprived yourself of the respect of the civilized world4.

75 years have passed since this terrible crime. Public opinion in the world learns a false picture of events that Poles were to commit against Jews in Jedwabne. Few people in the world are aware that on 1st September 1939 Poland became a victim of aggression against which it defended itself, bleeding not only during the years of war, but long after, when soldiers of independent and sovereign Poland loyal to Poland were killed in the NKVD and imposed services casemates with the consent of the Western puppet governments of Moscow. That is why it is so important to present such events as the passing anniversary of the Gardelegen crime.

Krzysztof Żabierek



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